What makes PUBG mobile more fun is its seasonal ranking system. It keeps a player coming back to the game and play better in order to gain a higher ranking and collect rewards. As we all know that the season 2 of PUBG mobile has already ended and the ranking has also been reset. So If you’re eagerly waiting for the PUBG Mobile Season 3 than we have all the updates you need.

PUBG Mobile Season 3 Release Dates

The PUBG Mobile Season 3 release date hasn’t been officially announced by Tencent on its Twitter. And if you are still waiting for an official announcement then I guess you don’t have to. We’ve found out that PUBG Mobile Season 3 is scheduled to start this week. The news can be found on Indonesian Facebook page of PUBG mobile in which they’ve shared a post about the end of Season 2 and the start of Season 3. The post on their Indonesian page translates to: “Royale Pass ends on August 19 at 0:00 UTC (7:00 WIB). After that, players cannot enter the Royale Pass service. Cannot redeem prizes, get RP points.” “The New Season will start on August 22 at 2:00 UTC. RP points, data levels, and leaderboard will be reset. “The items you get from Royale Pass are permanent except those that are temporary (i.e. Custom Room).” According to their facebook post, PUBG mobile season 3 will kick off this week on 22 August at 2:00 UTC. The question is whether it’ll be announced worldwide or just in Indonesia? Well, it’s certainly not possible to start a region-specific season so it’s definitely possible that it’s going to be launched worldwide.

What to Expect from PUBG Mobile Season 3?

It is safe to say that PUBG mobile’s Season 2 was a great season for both Tencent games and the players. The game has reached 100 million downloads before the season end and it has more than 10 million active players. The last royale pass season also tripled the company’s revenue. The new season will also have some the RP point system, ranking system, and Leaderboard with new rewards and skins. Overall it has a great opportunity for new players to start fresh. There will be some season specific Loot boxes as well. There will be two emoticons available for free. These emoticons are “angry” and “surrender,” which players can get by getting RP points. There are rumors that new season may include a new map “Sanhok” as well. The new map is already added on some Non-English versions of PUBG mobile. But, we can’t say that until we see any hint about it. We’ll keep you updated as we get more information.

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