The egg-shaped Ecocapsules, designed by Slovakian design firm Nice Architects can house two people for a year off the grid, with the luxuries of a warm bed, running water and hot food. They have been working on this project since April, 2008, have designed a number of “visualizations” to illustrate how the Ecocapsule might be used in hillsides and many other remote places. The ‘Ecocapsule‘ is a mini apartment with all the conventional luxuries you would expect like a warm bed, running water, hot food, but generates its own clean energy and can be situated anywhere, from city to tundra. After six years of development, the capsule was unveiled to rapturous acclaim at a recent design festival. Nice Architects have already received thousands of pre-orders and the buzz has extended to celebrities. “We were not prepared for the reaction,” says Nice partner Igor Zacek. “We started small but now we have to revise our model.” It is powered by 2.6m2 solar cells that cover the roof and a retractable 750W wind turbine, while the curved shape maximizes energy efficiency and allows for the collection of rainwater and made it drinkable by its built-in filter system feature which can safeguard the human consumption. There is also a kitchenette, toilet and shower and work/dining area. This will be most helpful in remote places. Nice Architects hopes to produce a few different types, including a trailer-based “Camper” unit for easy transport. Zacek believes it offers solutions for city dwellers suffering overcrowded conditions and exorbitant rents. “We talked about areas with high rents. Google used to house employees in a van until they could afford to buy a house. This could be a better solution.” “It seems quite small from outside, but spacious from inside. There are a lot of options where to go (in future), once we are established on the market, we can play with scenarios.” This egg shaped houses is emerging as a popular concept for green living space. When this reaches the market next year, the buzz will reach new heights.